Relief Focus Session

Relieve. Refocus. Live.

Things are a little intense right now. But there are ways to help reduce the symptoms you are experiencing and bring more vitality to your daily life.


An 80 min relief focus hypno session helps to immediately reduce tension, calm the mind, and support well-being. We use breath work, guided imagery, and hypnotherapy techniques. We are resilient. When we allow ourselves to relax into flow we unlock our own capacity for great flexibility in dealing with stress. These sessions are intended to help quiet the spinning mind to re-focus fear energy into more productive channels.

Read more about hypnosis here.

For deeper work and longer lasting clarity we recommend multiple sessions. Check out our transformation programs.


Nutrition has a strong impact on the way we feel and shifting diet and/or supplements can cultivate vitality and resilience. It can even help reduce symptoms of anxiety. Relief focus nutrition sessions find the best diet and supplements to fit the immediate needs. Which physical and emotional/mental symptoms are most bothersome? Nutrition can help symptoms like anxiety, insomnia, digestive upset, constipation or loose stools, pain of any kind, and support the immune system. After the initial discovery session short check in follow ups are available to help keep you on track.

Read more about nutrition and anxiety here.

These sessions are a tailored good start to a healthier lifestyle. For real permanent transformation or to correct longstanding chronic issues we recommend a transformation program of multiple session.